- 莫尔条纹法(溶液中)测量角膜接触镜后顶焦度的原理分析 Principle Analysis on the Measurement of Back Vertex Power of Contact Lens with the Method Using Moire Fringes (in Solution)
- 顶焦度 vertex power
- 顶焦度标准镜片 Standard Lenses of Vertex Power
- 验光机顶焦度测量不确定度评定 Assessment of Uncertainty in Measurement of Vertex Power of Refractometers
- 角膜接触镜专用顶焦度标准器的研制 New Developed Set of Vertex Power Standard for Contact Lenses
- 后顶桅横桁 mizzen topmast yard
- 后顶桅支索 mizzen topmast stay
- 在后 behind
- 验光镜片顶焦度测量结果的不确定度评定 Evaluation of Uncertainty in Vertex Power of Optometry Lenses Measurement
- 术后 postoperative
- 毕业后的 postgraduate
- 真空度 vacuity
- 后顶桅侧支索 mizzen topmast shroud
- 白度 white content
- 书后 postscript
- 长焦镜头 telephoto lens
- 浊度 turbidness
- 不久后 in the near future
- 这种材料如果太靠近炉火很容易烤焦。 This material will scorch easily if it is too near the fire.
- 表面粗糙度 roughness of surface