- 后 queen
- 现代营销 modern marketing
- 现代营销理念 Modern enterprise marketing concept
- 后的 posticus
- 现代 modern times
- 现代营销观念 Produets
- 后现代心理学冲击着现代心理学,并试图实现对它的超越。 Postmodern psychology is impinging on modern psychology and attempting to transcend it.
- 现代营销管理案例分析2。 Case Studies in Marketing Management II.
- “法律与文学”运动深受后现代哲学和后现代文学的影响。 The possibilities rest with the influence of the postmodern philosophy and postmodern literature.
- 现代营销新理论和新举措初探 Exploration of new theory and new move in modern sales
- ]后现代 post-modern
- 应用现代营销理论提高促销水平 Application of the modern marketing theory to the raising of sales promotion level
- 论中国小说叙事模式的演变--兼议中国后现代小说的兴起 The evolving mode of the Chinese novel recount -- the comments on the rising of Chinese postmodern novel
- 构建现代营销框架,重振"酒鬼"市场雄风 Establishment of Modern Marketing Structure to Rehabilitate the Boom of "Jiugui" Liquor
- 后现代小说 postmodern fiction
- 营销组合是现代营销学的主要概念之一。 The marketing mix is one of the major concepts in modern marketing.
- 后现代性 post modernity
- 构筑安徽特色农产品现代营销网络的设想 To Conceive Construction of Modem Marketing Internet for Agricultural Products with Anhui Characteristics
- 当代大学生价值观新动向--后现代语境下的大学校园亚文化 New Trend in the Value of Present College Students-Sub-culture in Universities in the Context of Post-Modernism
- 电子商务对现代营销理论基本缺陷的矫正 Electronic Business Corrects Defect of Current Sales System Theory