在软件产品评价技术中,产品或服务满足规定需求或隐含需求的特征和特性的总和。注:在有合同的环境中,需求是在合同中规定的;而在其它环境中,则应对隐含需求进行验证和定义。 In software product evaluation, the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Note: In a contractual environment, needs are specified, whereas in other environments, implied needs should be identified and defined.
契约的根据一致同意或约定的;合同的 Based on consent or agreement; contractual.
由于这一次订购是合同的组成部分,请提供最好的条件。 Please put us on your best term, as this order form part of a contract.