- 第二天清晨,她听到头上有飞机飞过,却不知道怎样才能发出信号,
Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal.
- (橄榄球赛中的)四分卫厉声发出信号
The quarterback barked out the signals.
- 接球员,捕手接球的人,尤指位于本垒之后发出信号并接球的棒球选手
One that catches, especially the baseball player positioned behind home plate who signals for and receives pitches.
- 闪光信号,照明弹一种能产生强光用来发出信号、照明或鉴定物体的装置
A device that produces a bright light for signaling, illumination, or identification.