- 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。
The original picture is in the British Museum.
- 这幅画的照片绝妙地再现了原作的色彩。
The photograph of the painting reproduces the colors of the original extremely well.
- 这不是原作,它只不过是廉价的复制品。
This is not the original; it's only a cheap reproduction.
- 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。
This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.
- 我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大。
I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.
- 房子原先的主人搬出去了。
The original owner of the house moved out.
- 无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。
It's certain that every effect must have a cause.
- 这是原书的节录本。
It was abridged from the original work.