- 香加皮宝霍甙-Ⅰ baohuoside-Ⅰ
- 皮 leather
- 厚 thick
- 全厚皮 full skin flap
- 中厚皮 inter-mediate thickness skin graft
- 厚皮香 Ternstroemia gymnanthera
- 厚皮兽 pachyderm
- 厚皮式 thick-skin
- 刃厚皮 Razor graft
- 裤牧场工人穿在普通裤子外面用来保护腿的不带臀部的厚皮裤 heavy leather trousers without a seat,worn over ordinary trousers by ranch hands to protect their legs
- 热带非洲生活在河里或河水附近的大而重的厚皮食草性动物。 massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa.
- 基质配方和施肥量对厚皮甜瓜幼苗生长及生理特性的影响 Influence of substrates forms and fertilizer quantity on the growth and physiological characteristics of muskmelon seedling
- 厚皮甜瓜 Muskmelon
- 厚皮深盘苹果甜点心。 deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust.
- 喉厚皮症 Pachyderma of larynx
- 厚皮焊条 heavy coated electrode
- 刃厚皮片 razor-thin graft; epidermal skin graft
- 厚皮构造 thick-skinned tectonics
- 全厚皮片修复颈颌部瘢痕挛缩恢复仰头及头侧偏功能3例报告 Improvement of looking up and lateral deviation function of head following repair of scar contracture in cervix and jaw by full thick flap: 3 cases report
- 华南厚皮香 Ternscroemia kwangtungensis