- 真希望十年前就已经认识你。
I wish I had known you ten years ago.
- 任何人犯了此罪就要被判处十年徒刑。
Whoever commits the crime shall be sentenced to ten years in prison.
- 在过去十年里,物价一直在上涨。
Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
- 我大学毕业已数十年了。
Several decades have elapsed since I graduated from the college.
- 他的小说十年前风靡一时。
His novels had a great vogue ten years ago.
- 这女巫使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。
The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.
- 在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。
There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.
- 那本书是十年苦心钻研的成果。
The book was the result of ten years of assiduous research.