- 很难给十岁的孩子买衣服--这种年龄说大不大,说小又不小。
It's difficult buying clothes for ten-year-olds at that age they're betwixt and between.
- 他们的年龄是一个两岁,一个十岁。
Their ages are two and ten.
- 一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢?
How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane?
- 那个男孩大约有十岁。
That boy is about ten years old.
- 她在十岁时成为孤儿。
She was orphaned at the age of ten.
- 这个贫穷的小男孩在他十岁的时候就被雇为羊倌。
The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten.
- 作为一个十岁的孩子来说,她的表达力是非常强的。
She's unusually articulate for a ten-year-old.