- 非风湿性房颤动脉血栓栓塞的初级预防 Primary prevention of Arterial Thromboembolism in nonrheumatic Atrial Fibrillation
- 肾动脉血栓栓塞 Thromboembolism of renal arteries
- 兔股动脉血栓形成模型中国产重组葡激酶作用的实验研究 An experimental study on pharmacokinetics of native r-SAK in a thrombosis model of the femoral artery in rabbits
- 利多卡因对大鼠微栓栓塞致脑损伤的保护作用 The protective effects of lidocaine on the brain against injury induced by microsphere embolism in rats
- 栓塞 embolism
- 锚栓 fang bolt
- 肺栓塞 pulmonary embolism
- 血氧定量仪用来测量动脉血氧和度的仪器 A device for measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood.
- 门栓 bolt
- 脑栓塞 cerebral embolism
- 栓孔 keyhole
- 静脉栓塞 venous embolism
- 栓钉 male pin
- 周围动脉栓塞 peripheral artery embolism
- 合唱低音音栓 choral bass
- 羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism
- 股动脉血栓 Femoral - artery thrombus
- 脂肪栓塞综合征 fat embolism syndrome
- 发出类似双簧管声音的风琴音栓 A reed stop in an organ that produces a sound similar to that of the oboe.
- 脾栓塞 splenic embolism