- 动力蓄电池微机控制充放电装置的研制 Research and Development of Battery Charging and Discharging Device Based on Microprocessor Control
- 该中心电动汽车电源技术研究团队是国内唯一具有20年以上专门从事动力蓄电池应用技术和设备研究历程的研发机构。 From 2002, this team works on the new motive battery application technique research and equipments development and production research whose technology is placed in domestic to lead a position.The independence intellectual property right technology: "base on extremity monomer battery charge control technique (EMBCC).
- 蓄电池 storage battery
- 铅酸蓄电池 lead-acid battery
- 水提供了转动轮子的动力。 The water provides the motive power that turns the mill wheel.
- 教育的动力 the dynamics of education
- 蓄电池组 accumulator battery
- 这磨盘由风车提供动力。 The grinder was powered by a windmill.
- 这家工厂去年已改产蓄电池。 The plant changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries last year.
- 两帮少年无赖之间的持续暴动力行为,使得那个宅区的大部分成了禁区。 The continuing violence between rival gangs of youths has made a large part of the housing estate a no-go area.
- 极板网栅,蓄电池电极板蓄电池中呈波纹状或有孔的导电板 A corrugated or perforated conducting plate in a storage battery.
- 把动力传递到轮子上 impress a motion upon a wheel
- 好多年,火车的动力是蒸汽。 For many years the motive power of trains was steam.
- 替我把汽车上的蓄电池充一下电好吗? Charge up my car battery, will you?
- 夺取锦标的思想是该队的动力。 The thought of the prize was the spur for the team.
- 爱迪生蓄电池 edison accumulator
- 火车的动力通常是蒸汽或电。 The motive power of trains is usually steam or electricity.
- 铅蓄电池 lead storage battery
- 利用瀑布产生动力 harness a waterfall
- 给这个蓄电池充电要用多少时间? How long will it take to charge up the batter?