- 尔 so
- 库 storehouse
- 图库 gallery
- 不同处理棉秆饲料在卡拉库尔羊瘤胃中降解的动态规律 The Dynamic Degradability Rule of Cotton Straw Feed Treated with Different Chemicals in Karakul Sheep Rumen
- 攀岩 rock climbing
- 套利 arbitrage
- 波尔 bohr
- 扬起 raises
- 出库 delivery of cargo from storage
- 达利 Dali
- 首尔 Seoul
- 岩性 lithology
- 利尿 diuresis
- 阿尔卑斯山 Alps
- 围岩 wall rock
- 联合利华 Uniliver
- 智库 Think Tank
- 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering
- 利大于弊 the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
- 司库 treasurer