不久列宁在台上出现了,那种热烈的欢呼是我从未见过的。列宁先静静地站了几分钟,让欢呼声继续着,然后用手在胸前横挥一下,喝彩声马上终止,于是连一根针落地的声音你都可以听得到。 After a while Lenin came out on the stage. The ovation was unlike anything I have ever seen. Lenin let it continue for a few minutes, standing absolutely still, then with a single motion of his arms across his body stopped the uproar instantaneously and you could have heard a pin drop.
列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。 Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory.
列宁亲自指导了这项工作。 Lenin personally guided this work.
列宁写道:“推翻专制制度只是革命的第一阶段。” Lenin wrote that the overthrow of the autocracy is only the first stage of the revolution.