- 广告刊例 advertising publication
- 刊 publish
- 日刊 diurnal
- 例示 exemplify
- 起床的第一件事是把例盆倒了。 Slop out the waste basins first when you get up.
- 半年刊 semiyearly
- 不在此例。 That is an exception.
- 导刊 guide
- 荷兰的须德海大坝便是一例。 The Zuider Zee dam in Holland is an example.
- 例解 illustration
- 星期天附刊 Sunday supplement
- 在说到肮脏的昆虫时他举苍蝇为例。 He instanced the fly as a dirty insect.
- 月周]刊 a monthly weekly ] publication
- 首例新闻纸反倾销案已经终裁。 Final award has already been made on the first newsprint paper antidumping case.
- 周月]刊 a weekly moonthly ] periodical
- 例外地 exceptionally
- 刊刻 inscribe
- 循例 according to convention
- 刊文 publish the article
- 例汤 sample soup