- 库 storehouse
- 成件库 Produced part library
- 冲压件 pressing
- 现主要生产各类弹簧、簧片、金冲压件及除铁工具产品。 Produce primarily now the every variety spring, spring layered, rammed res and divided by the iron tool product.
- 图库 gallery
- 课件库平台 system of eourseware
- 汽车冲压件 automotive stamping parts
- 出库 delivery of cargo from storage
- 冲压件成本 cost of stamped part
- 智库 Think Tank
- Web语义课件库 web semantic-based courseware
- 司库 treasurer
- 首件 initial workpiece
- 类库 class libraries
- 单件 stick
- 库管 depositary management
- 中间件 middleware
- 接插件 socket connector
- 曲面冲压件 curved surface stamping parts
- 冲压件成形 molding process of pressing parts