- 僵尸 corpse
- 世界大战 World War
- 第二次世界大战 World War 2
- 第一次世界大战 first world war
- 政治僵尸 political mummy
- 本世纪我们已经经历了两次世界大战。 We have had two world wars in this century.
- 僵尸新娘 Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride
- 第二次世界大战期间,日本政府和德国签订了一项密约。 The Japanese Government made a secret deal with Germany during the Second World War.
- 僵尸进程 zombie process
- 第二次世界大战以后,许多德国科学家迁居英国和美国。 After World War dozens/scores of German scientists moved to Britain and the United States.
- 僵尸工具 bot
- 女王向纪念碑了献花圈,以此向两次世界大战这中的牺牲者们表示敬意。 The Queen pain homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph.
- 僵尸网络 botnet
- 第二次世界大战的诸交战国 belligerents in World War II
- 僵尸程序 Bot
- 与僵尸同行 I Walked with a Zombie
- 第二次世界大战已到末期。 The Second World War reached its last stage.
- 僵尸小孩国 Children of the Living Dead
- 他经历过两次世界大战。 He lived through both world wars.
- 爆打僵尸头 The first explosion fight corpse