- 她看上去像一个矜持的少女。
She looks like a very demure young lady.
- 那男子一举一动像个大男孩。
That man behaves like an overgrown child.
- 那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。
The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple.
- 我爱她就像爱自己的女儿一样。
I have loved her like a father should.
- 她像只小羊羔一样温柔。
She is gentle like a lamb.
- 他看上去像欧洲人。
He looks European.
- 琴和琼很难分得出来,她们长得太像了。
It's difficult to tell Jean from Joan; they look so alike.
- 那样才像话。
That's more like it.