- 这是去武汉的机票,麻烦您确认一下机票上的名字好吗?然后我需要您们的护照办理值机手续。 This is the ticket for wuhan, would you mind to confirm the name, and than I need your passport to check in!
- 值 value
- 请您到值机柜台办理所乘航班的乘机手续。 Would you please check in your flight at the check-in counter.
- 超值 overflow
- 值机员排斥 attendant exclusion
- 办理手续 working procedure
- 默认值 Windows default
- 播放机 player (e.g. CD player)
- 板机 gunlock
- 办理护照签证手续 to get one's passport visaed
- 减速机 speed reducer
- 办理报关手续 clear customs
- 不值 not worth
- 注塑机 injection machine
- 办理登记手续 check-in
- 插值 interpolation
- 轧机 rolling mill
- 办理出境手续 to attend to one's exit formalities
- 阀值 threshold values
- 本机 local