- 那修道院的遗迹已荡然无存。
Not a vestige of the abbey remains.
- 那修道院现已成废墟。
The abbey is now a ruin.
- 古修道院的废墟在月光下显得颇有浪漫气息。
The old abbey ruins look very romantic in the moonlight.
- 修道院的遗迹已荡然无存。
There had not a vestige of the abbey remains.
- 小偷藏在修道院里。
The thief hid in the abbey.
- 修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。
The abbot told him to obey the rules.
- 修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。
The nuns live in a cloister of calm.
- 这些修道士居住在一个大修道院里。
The monks live in a large monastery.