- 伯特兰·罗素 Bertrand Russell
- 伯特兰·罗素国际法庭 Bertrand Russell International Tribuna
- 罗素 russell
- 莫里斯·伯特兰 BERTRAND, Maurice
- 他倾向于反强权;他憎恨制度、组织和统一(伯特兰 罗素) He was inclined to anarchism;he hated system and organization and uniformity(Bertrand Russell)
- 伯特兰。罗素遭受了许多感情问题的折磨, Bertrand Russell suffered a lot of emotional problems
- 伯特兰 - 罗素(1872-1970)是一位世界知名的英国哲学家。 Bertrand Russell ( 1872 - 1970) was an internationally famous British philosopher.
- 罗素先生有权管理校务。 Mr. Russell have the right of administer the school.
- 进行谋杀的秘密动机;对于所有知识的未来用途看得太重-伯特兰·拉塞尔。 subterranean motives for murder; looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge- Bertrand Russell.
- 20世纪最伟大的哲学家之一伯特兰,罗素提倡一种称为情绪论的伦理理论。 Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest philosophers of this century, advocated a theory of ethics called emotivism.
- 阿马托和罗素所从事的遗传学研究的副产品是可以遏制走私野生圣文森特鹦鹉的活动。 A byproduct of the genetic research Amato and Russello conducted is a potential tool to stop the smuggling of wild St. Vincents.
- 这需要罗素那样的文笔。 This demands the pen of a Russell.
- 此前,茱丽在自己的手掌上纹了一个不显眼的M,以纪念今年年初去世的母亲马歇尔琳·伯特兰。 She already has a discreet M on the palm of her hand - a tribute to her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who died earlier this year.
- 罗素哲学 Russell's Philosophy
- 罗素指出,你若渴望荣耀,那么成功并不能使你摆脱嫉妒。 If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon.
- 陪同罗素在中国 With Bertrand Russell in China
- 至此,茱丽的纹身已达到13个。 此前,茱丽在自己的手掌上纹了一个不显眼的M,以纪念今年年初去世的母亲马歇尔琳·伯特兰。 The latest tattoo is understood to be Miss Jolie's 13th to date. She already has a discreet M on the palm of her hand - a tribute to her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who died earlier this year.
- 萨特和罗素,比如被推崇为抨击越战,甚至被人从未读过的书籍。 Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell, for instance, were admired for denouncing the Vietnam War even by people who had never read their books.
- 1935年英国哲人伯特兰·罗素曾在其随笔《善待休闲》中侃侃而谈:“依我之见,世人饱受劳作之艰辛,乃崇尚劳动美德所贻害。” In his 1935 essay, "In Praise of Idleness," British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote, "I think there is far too much work done in the world and immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous." Russell advocated shortening the work day to four hours.
- 他住在罗素广场95号。 He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq.