- 在上届国会中社会党人占优势。
The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.
- 理奇比你占优势,因为他会讲德语。
Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German.
- 敌军在数量上占优势。
The enemy forces were superior in numbers.
- 哪一方在武器上占优势?
Which side has the superior weapons?
- 大多数人的右手是优势手。
The right hand is dominant in most people.
- 那个有名的运动员已经没有优势赢得那场比赛了。
The famous athlete had no vantage to win the game.
- 或许对他们是坏事,但对我们正是优势。
Maybe it is bad to them, but it is just our vantage.
- 兰德尔体格健壮,按说他占些优势。
Lendl's strength onclay gives him a theoretical advantage.