- 他从出生就失明了. He was blind from birth.
- 他从出生就是哑巴。 He has been dumb from birth.
- 这个小捣蛋无休止地作弄他失明了的邻居。 The little horror never stops playing tricks on his blind neighbour.
- 他从当学生时起就开始了他的政治生涯。 He began his political career as a student (= when he was a student).
- 我祖父的眼睛不再痛了,但他却失明了。 My grandfather's eyes ache no longer,but he goes blind.
- 我从出生到现在一直侍奉著他。 I serve him from the hour of my nativity to this instant.
- 他从树上咚地一声摔在了地上。 He fell out of the tree and landed on the ground with a thud.
- 由于家境贫困,他刚出生就被出继给别人。 Because his family was poor, he was given to others as their child when he was born.
- 30年前他还是孩子的时候就离开了家,从此,他家里人一直没有得到他的消息。 He ran away as a boy thirty years ago, and his family has never heard from him since.
- 他从童年起到现在一直住在这所房子里。 He has been living in this house from his childhood upwards.
- 我从出生到现在一直侍奉着他。 I have served him from the hour of my nativity to this instant.
- 他从一开始就对这个计划有偏见。 He was biased against the plan from the beginning.
- 他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。 He rescued three children from the burning building.
- 他从12岁起就拼命干活了。 He worked like a black from the time he was twelve.
- 他从上衣里面口袋内抽出一份手稿。 He pulled a manuscript from his inside coat pocket.
- 他从18岁起就有汽车了。 He's had a car ever since he was 18.
- 没有什么能使他从研究项目上分心。 Nothing can call away his attention from the project he is now working at.
- 他从中午就开始工作了. He has been working since noon .
- 他从销售的每件商品中得到百分之十的佣金。 He gets a 10%25 commission on everything he sells.
- 他从一大早就开始工作。 He set about his work early in the morning.