- 包价费 insurance
- 补收价费 recovery of charges; recovery of charges
- 起码价费 minimum charge
- 从价运费提单 Ad-valorem Freight Bill of Lading
- 费 wasteful
- 进口商品的从价税 ad valorem duties on imported goods.
- 不收员工的鉴价费,银行律师费以优惠价格收费。 Appraisal fees are waived. Bank attorney's fees are charged at a preferential rate.
- 关税通常以下列两种方式的一种征收:从价关税或从量关税。 Tariffs are commonly levied in one of two ways:ad valorem tariff or specific tariff.
- 从那时起 from then on
- 快递费 express fee
- 从根本上 fundamentally
- 性价比 performance price ratio
- 报关费 customs charges
- 从去年 since last year
- 从不同的角度 at a different angle
- 费率 rate
- 从零开始 from scratch
- 人工费 cost of labor used
- 性价 sexual valence
- 从上到下 from the top down