- 云达不来梅中场托尔斯滕·弗林斯已经确认,他将在这周来到都灵和尤文图斯进行谈话。 Werder Bremen midfielder Thorsten Frings has confirmed he was in Turin for talks with Juventus this week.
- 同时,他发现了爱妻云达已改嫁他人,西蒙怨恨谋杀自己的凶手改变他一生,遂决定逮出凶手,找寻真相。 With nefarious players on either side, Spawn must carefully navigate his obsessive revenge to avert the destruction of the human race.
- 足球 football
- 足球俱乐部 football club
- 故事讲述美国特工艾西蒙不幸遭到谋杀,死后却因为舍不得爱妻云达,不惜与魔鬼交易,以地狱使者身份还阳转世,务求再见云达一面。 As he begins to discover and exercise the extraordinary new strengths provided by his new malevolent master, he is approached by two mysterious figures.
- 多云 cloudy
- 我是我们学校足球俱乐部的成员。 I am a member of our school football club.
- 高达 attain
- 狗不许入内是这个足球俱乐部的规定。 It is a regulation of the football club that dogs are not allowed inside.
- 当地的一位商人提供所需的500000英镑以助足球俱乐部度过难关。 A local businessman has put up the 500000 needed to save the football club.
- 我佩服约翰管理足球俱乐部的方法。 I hand it to John for the way he managed the Football Club.
- 有几个足球俱乐部均表示这个年轻的足球健将是他们的人。 Several clubs have already staked a/their claim to this outstanding young footballer.
- 足球俱乐部委员会安排了所有的比赛。 The football club committee arranges all the matches.
- 嗯,几年前布里斯托市足球俱乐部是在甲级,现在定在丁级。 Well,a few years ago Bristol City Football Club was in the First Division. Now they're in the Fourth Division.
- 该足球俱乐部的守门员在此不愉快,已要求转到其他俱乐部。 The club's goalkeeper isn't happy here, and has asked for a transfer (to another club).
- 对大部分球迷来说,他们的足球俱乐部是他们生活的一部分。 For many fans, their football club is part of their lives.
- 一个足球俱乐部 a football club
- 曼联职业足球俱乐部 Manchester United Football Club
- 职业足球俱乐部 professional football club
- 他指导我们足球俱乐部的会员。 He coached our soccer club.