- 潮水把海滩冲刷得非常乾净。
The beach had been washed clean by the tide.
- 趁那酒还没渗进(地毯里)去,快把它擦乾净。
Clean up that wine before it soaks in(to the carpet).
- 谁把我乾净的厨房弄得这麽脏?
Who messed up my clean kitchen?
- 猫很爱乾净。
Cats are clean animals.
- 我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除,现在确实乾净了。
I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean.
- 我们要是认真干,一个下午就能把房子打扫乾净。
If we really set to we can get the whole house cleaned in an afternoon.
- 只要稍用些力就能把那双靴子擦乾净。
If you used a bit of elbow-grease you could get those boots clean.
- 乾净的公园是美丽的,不是吗?
Clean parks are beautiful, aren't they?