- 乡里乡亲酒家倒闭记实 The wineshop goes out of business records
- 乡亲 (n) people from same home town
- 用乡里话说 in rural parlance
- 淳朴的乡亲 honest folk.
- 未出乡里偏见多。 He who never leaves his country is full of prejudice.
- 这样的机关里的劣绅,简直是乡里王。 The evil gentry who ran these organs were virtual monarchs of the countryside.
- 剥棉籽乡亲联谊会 cottonpicking
- 乡里乡气的 Foolish and clumsy
- 诸位乡亲 my good people
- 他对老乡亲心肠特别软。 He has a particular soft spot for old neighbors.
- 乡里小人 countryside villainy person
- 乡里保甲 Bao-Jia system
- 全体乡亲都非常兴奋。 All the countrymen were in a state of great excitement.
- 祖地乡亲 hometown villager
- 乡里制度 Countryside and neighborhood system
- 使乡里欢欣 to brighten the neighborhood
- 家乡的乡亲父老 the folks back home(= from the place where you come from)
- 他回村看望乡亲们来了。 He's come back to the village to see us folks.
- 乡里人进城 the migration of countryman to city
- 乡亲慰问红军 The People condoling the Red Army