- 伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。
London was also called the modern Babylon.
- 满是尘土的路弄得行人也满面尘土了。
The dusty road made the travelers dusty too.
- 我累得再也走不动了。
I was too tired to walk any further.
- 我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。
We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English.
- 我也是这么想。
That's the way I look at it, too.
- 谢谢。你也一样!
Thanks. And you too!
- 我也是这么想的。
That's just what I was thinking.
- 一谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不为过。
When it comes to making friends, you cannot be too careful.