- 他已提升为中士。
He was promoted to sergeant.
- 指挥官推荐威廉斯中士获勇敢勋章。
The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery.
- 中士大声发出命令。
The sergeant snapped out an order.
- 他由中士降到下士。
He was demoted from sergeant to corporal.
- 他六个月後就当上了中士。
He made (ie reached the rank of) sergeant in six months.
- 中士将发给你(一切必需的)物品。
The sergeant will rig you out (with everything you need).
- 那个中士向士兵大声发令。
The sergeant bawled out a command to his men.
- 你们这帮东西,弱不禁风! 中士对新兵嚷道。
You're a bunch of softies!' the sergeant shouted to the new recruits.