- 中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司。 China Petroleum Group Engineering Design Co. Ltd.
- 松花江畔的明珠--吉林石油集团有限责任公司加速发展纪实 A Bright Pearl on the Bank of Songhuajiang River--An On-the'spot Record of Accelerated Development of PetroChina Jilin Oilfield Co.Ltd
- 科威特拟允许外国石油集团开发油田 Kuwait set to open up to foreign oil groups
- 中国石油大学 China University Of Petroleum Beijing
- 法比石油集团 Franco-Belgian oil group
- 中国石油化工(集团)公司 China Petrochemical (Group) Corp.
- 中国石油低阻油层岩石物理研究与测井识别评价技术进展 Advancement of Petrophysics Research and Well-logging Recognition and Evaluation for Low-resistivity Oil-layer by PetroChina
- 与我们合作的一家欧洲大型石油集团透露说,有一家新成立的超大型连锁加油站正在取代他们的加油站。 An oil group we worked with,one of the biggest companies in its sector in Europe,revealed that a new chain of hypermarket petrol stations was overtaking its petrol stations.
- 中国石油 PetroChina
- 中国石油井口防喷器用户满意指数测评--基于偏最小二乘法 Evaluation of the Customer Satisfaction Index for Wellhead Blowout Preventers of China's Petroleum Industry--A new method based on PLS
- 中国石油天然气股份有限公司企业标准化工作的回顾与展望 Retrospection and Prospect of Enterprise Standardization of Petrochina Company Limited
- 中国石油西气东输管道工程主动承担环境责任建设绿色长廊 China Petroleum West-East Gas Transfer Pipeline project: taking responsibility of environment protection voluntarily and building a green corridor
- 中国石油报 China Petroleum Newspaper Office
- 中国石油管理机构 Chinese petroleum administrative institutions
- 中国石油消费 China' s petroleum consumption
- 中国石油企业 China's petroleum enterprises
- 中国石油丰富。 China is rich in oil.
- 中国石油工业 petroleum industry of China
- 吴崇筠教授--中国石油大学沉积岩石学教学及教材建设的奠基者 Prof. Wu Chongyun--the founder of teaching of sedimentary petrology in China University of Petroleum
- 中国石油进口通道 Oil import corridor of China petroleum