看哪些小汽车在超那辆载重汽车,难道他们不知道宁可小心不冒险嘛。 Look at the way those cars are overtaking that lorry. Don't they realize it's better to be safe than sorry.
人不冒险不富。 You can't get rich without taking risks.
这些枪手的背景各种各样,干事情的方式也不相同,但都有个共同的特点:他们都是杀手。他们不管三七二十一,往往先把人干掉再说,尽量不冒险。 Such gunfighters came from various backgrounds, approached their jobs differently, but all shared one characteristic: they were killers. They tended to shoot first and ask questions afterwards and they did their best to take no chances.