演讲人终于由一般性论述转入谈具体问题。 The speaker at last descended from the general to the particular.
在美国,议案可在众议院或参议院推出,通过讨论公众倾听,然后在整个参议院进行一般性辩论,在二读时对法案进行逐段辩论。 In the USA, a bill is introduced either in the house or in the senate, passed through committee stage with public hearing, then to general debate in the full house.
概念从特定情形或事件中得到或推断出的一般性想法 A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.
人们不能仅从几个实例就得出一般性结论。 One can not generalize from a few examples.