- 只要他不磨蹭,我们用一半时间就能把事情做完。
If he would only pull his finger out we would get the job done in half the time.
- 他算什么画家!这样的东西我用一半时间就能画出来,而且还好得多。
Some painter he is! I could have done the job myself, in half the time, and far better too.
- 我有一半时间住在牛津,一半时间住在巴黎,弄得我晕头转向。
Living half the time in Oxford and half in Paris makes me feel quite schizophrenic.
- 她总是过於认真--要让我做,一半时间就够了!
She always makes such a meal of it I could do it in half the time!