- 我有一件红色的华达呢上衣。
I have a red gabardine coat.
- 小饰物小的装饰物、小点缀,例如一件珠宝
A small ornament, such as a piece of jewelry.
- 我冒昧地求你一件事[给你提一个意见]。
I make bold to ask you a favour [give you a piece of advice].
- 盔甲一件盔甲,通常由金属制成,设计用于保护头部
A piece of armor, usually made of metal, designed to protect the head.
- 既然你喜欢健美,我会给买一件健美器械作为生日礼物送给你。
Since you like it, I'll buy you a piece of bodybuilding facility as a birthday present for you.