- 这台车床情况良好(维修中:under repair) This lathe is in repair.
- cut空间 cut space
- Tru-cut针 Tru-cut needle
- N-Cut准则 Normalized Cut(N-Cut) criterion
- Tru-cut活检 Tru - cut biopsy
- 采矿是一种对身体有害的工作。 Mining is an unhealthy job.
- Tru-cut活检针 Tru-cut biopsy needle
- 钻井机一种在采矿中用来挖掘矿井时在石头上打孔的工具 A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
- α-cut模糊理想 α-cut fuzzy ideal
- 一爿采矿公司 a mining company
- jump cut (电视片) 跳越剪辑
- 表层采矿 surface mining
- 霸占土地(或采矿权) to jump a claim
- “cut”(1.2)他的妻子割腕自杀。 "cut" (1.2) His wife killed herself by cutting her wrists.
- (采矿)钻头超速 bit overfeed
- CUT可能在测试时需要依赖其他的类。 The CUT may have dependencies on other classes that need to be available during your testing.
- 海底采矿技术 undersea mining technology
- 此解决方案包含测试代码(或“CUT”)。 This solution contains the code-under-test, or CUT.
- 薄矿脉采矿法 narrow vein mining method
- 既不靠前又不靠后的;在元音上,cut中的u。 neither front nor back; used of vowels,as the u in cut.