- 药 medicine
- 用药 use medicine
- 药的 medicinal
- 吃药 take the medicine
- 春药 aphrodisiac
- 无可救药 incurable
- 消炎药 antibiotic medicine
- 解药 antidote
- 给药 administration
- 开药 to prescribe for an illness
- 减肥药 slimming drugs; weight loss pills
- 紧急避孕药 emergency contraception; morning-after pill
- 兽药 animal remedy
- 下药 drug
- 抗菌药 antibacterial
- 药量 dosage
- 非处方药 non-prescribed medicine
- 药代动力学 pharmacokinetics
- 万能药 panacea
- 迷药 magic potion