- 将包含ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY参数的方法从.NET程序集导出到类型库时,数组参数被转换为给定类型的SAFEARRAY。 When a method containing an ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY parameter is exported from a.NET assembly to a type library, the array parameter is converted to a SAFEARRAY of a given type.
- Element-by-element element-by-element
- 单词element含有五类不同的字符。 The word'element'contains five different types of character.
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。 He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- 此示例说明element和xml指令之间的区别。 This example illustrates the difference between the element and xml directives.
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式) Maxwell field equations
- Array点 array point
- 电磁阀, 电磁活门 solenoid value
- 选择Show并使用默认的DOM Element mapping单选钮。 Select the Show and use default DOM Element mapping radio button.
- 为了做成电磁体你需要对金属线送电。 To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
- 核电磁脉冲模拟 nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulation
- 如果是使用XML定义应用程序,请在ComputedFields Element(ADF)中定义每个字段。 If you are defining an application in XML, define each field in a ComputedFields Element (ADF).
- 电磁异常 electromagnetic anomaly
- 常规类型(ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS或ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE)表示为类型的完全限定名。 Regular types (ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) are represented as the fully qualified name of the type.
- 电磁测深方法研究 A study of the EM method to explore strata
- 电磁开关. a solenoid switch
- Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the用户界面(UI)。 Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the user interface (UI).
- 电磁浓缩 electromagnetic enrichment
- blockDefault属性在该架构的目标命名空间中设置element和complexType元素上的block属性的默认值。 The blockDefault attribute sets the default value of the block attribute on element and complexType elements in the target namespace of this schema.
- 电磁夹片 electromagnetic shim