- 冶 smelt
- En steel (英国标准) 工程用低碳钢
- Inland Steel (美国) 内陆钢铁公司
- steel, 快来看啊, 伙计. Steel, check it out, man.
- 电子与电气工程协会(Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers,IEEE)于1997年提出了第一个无线局域网标准IEEE802.11,得到了众多网络设备厂商的支持。 In 1997, the IEEE ratified the 802.11 Wireless LAN standards, establishing a global standard for implementing and deploying Wireless LANS that is got support from numerous network equipment manufacturers.
- killed steel (去氧钢) 脱氧钢
- 矿冶 mining and metallurgy
- 电容层析成像(Electrical Capacitance Tomography,ECT)技术是过程层析成像技术中的一个分支。 ECT系统基于电容敏感机理,具有非侵入、响应速度快、成本低等优点。 Based on the capacitance sensing principle, Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT)with advantages of non-intrusion, fast response and low cost is one of the branch of Progress Tomography.
- steel bulkhead (钢管的) 钢闷头
- 一个无党派的统冶者或者首领(特别是在非洲和阿拉伯半岛)。 an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).
- 目的基于径向基函数(radial basic function,RBF)神经网络的两步核磁共振电阻抗成像(mag-netic resonance electrical impedance tomography,MREIT)算法,对人体头部进行MREIT。 Objective To develop a new Two-step magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography(MREIT)algorithm based on radial basic function(RBF)neural network for imaging electrical impedance distribution of a head.
- steel diaphragm (坝内的) 钢心墙
- 冶容诲淫 Seductive looks incite to wantonness; Bewtiching countenance incites lust; dress prettily invites adultery; Ogling looks induce to wantonness
- diaphragm steel (含34%Si) 电话薄膜钢
- [冶]超耐热合金 superalloy
- temperature steel (混凝土的) 温度筋
- 宾冶 punch
- ships steel side scuttle 钢质舷窗
- 中南矿冶学院 Central-South China Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- steel cylinder (装氧气等气体的瓶) 钢瓶