- 军师 counsellor
- 军绿 military green
- 锥形量热仪(CONE) cone calorimetry
- Politzers cone 波利泽尔氏锥
- 领军 leading
- root cone (指伞齿轮的) 齿根锥
- 军演 military exercise
- pressure cone (坯块缺陷) 压力锥印
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 军曹 choush
- dedendum cone (圆锥齿轮啮合) 齿根锥
- 三军 army; the three armed services
- adjustable cone (谷物清洗机的) 可调锥体
- 华军软件园 Huajun Software Field
- one moxa-cone (一艾炷称为一壮) 壮
- 领军人物 leader
- Politzers luminous cone 鼓膜光锥
- rotor and cone clearance (液环泵) 转子与锥形体间隙
- 俄军 Russian army
- moxa cone (用艾绒压制而成的锥状物) 艾炷