- 不计 except
- 计入 reckon in
- 计件 by the job
- 在此我们将使用MATCH函数。 We employ the MATCH function here.
- 液位计 juice level gauge
- 硬度计 sclerometer
- 查找文本值时,函数MATCH不区分大小写字母。 MATCH does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters when matching text values.
- 计画 plan
- Boolean值,指示返回的子字符串是否包含Match。 Boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude Match.
- 时计 hour meter
- 使用MATCH关键字使得同一语句可执行多次而不会覆盖旧的数据。 Using the MATCH keyword enables the same statement to be executed several times without writing over old data.
- 事前计提基金 advanced funding
- Hash Match运算符通过计算其生成输入中每行的哈希值生成哈希表。 The Hash Match operator builds a hash table by computing a hash value for each row from its build input.
- 用计 maneuver
- 要么是0次(没有匹配)或1次,因为preg_match()在第一次匹配之后将停止搜索。 That will be either 0 times (no match) or 1 time because preg_match() will stop searching after the first match.
- 体重计 batheroom scales
- 谁在100米赛中获胜? The visiting team was no match for the home team. Who won the 100 metres?
- 计量器 meter
- 如果省略了关键字MATCH,日志的备份副本的名称将与数据库的当前事务日志同名。 If the MATCH keyword is omitted, the backup copy of the log will have the same name as the current transaction log for the database.
- 忽略不计 ignore