- 不计 except
- 计入 reckon in
- 他们也许是用石子来作计算的,因“calculus”这个字原意是“石子”。 They may have used pebbles to calculate, for the word "calculus" means "pebble".
- 他们也许是用石子来作计算的,因“calculus”这个字原意是“石子”。 They may have used pebbles to calculate, for the word "calculus" means "pebble".
- 计件 by the job
- 液位计 juice level gauge
- 维生素D vitamin(e)
- 硬度计 sclerometer
- 计画 plan
- 尝试着结合BDI结构和情境演算的优点,提出了一个能够刻画Agent的多种特征,尤其是自主性的智能体结构AASC(Agent architecture based on situation calculus). Based on BDI model and situation calculus, an Agent architecture called AASC (Agent architecture based on situation calculus), which can depict various features, especially autonomy of Agent, is presented in this paper.
- 时计 hour meter
- 事前计提基金 advanced funding
- 用计 maneuver
- 体重计 batheroom scales
- 计量器 meter
- 忽略不计 ignore
- 密度计 densimeter
- 频率计 cymometer
- 将计就计 beat somebody at his own game
- 计税 valorem