- 法 law
- 无法 unable
- 用法 usage
- 说法 statement
- 若要重新启用该测试,请删除或注释掉Ignore属性。 To re-enable the test, delete or comment out the Ignore attribute.
- 输入法 input method
- 或者可以使用Ignore属性标记没有准备好、尚不能运行的测试。 An alternative strategy would be to mark a test that is not ready to run with the Ignore attribute.
- 除法 division
- 要记录通告消息日志,PHP指令pgsql.ignore_notice必须为off。 The PHP directive pgsql. Ignore_notice must be off in order to log notice messages.
- 分析法 analytical method
- 此选项的缺省值是CASE IGNORE,即所有的比较都不区分大小写。 The default value for the option is CASE IGNORE; that is, all comparisons are case insensitive.
- 商法 commercial law
- 因此,在签入该测试的时候,您会使用Ignore属性标记它,指出不希望运行该测试。 Therefore, when you check in the test, you mark it with the Ignore attribute to indicate that you do not expect it to work.
- 行政法 administrative law
- 单元测试的Ignore属性与测试的其他属性和源代码一起存放于单元测试的源文件中。 The Ignore attribute for a unit test resides in the source file of the unit test, together with the other attributes and source code of the test.
- 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania
- 读法 pronunciation
- 法轮功 Falun Gong Cult
- 法门 method
- 没法 cannot