- [医] 播娘蒿 Sisymbrium junceum Willd.
- 播娘蒿不同生育期鲜草产量与营养价值 Fresh grass yield and nutritive value of Descurainia sophia in different growth stages
- 播娘蒿角果全长cDNA文库的构建与分析 Construction of Full-length cDNA Library of Descurainia sophia Silique
- 播 spread
- 播娘蒿油对果蝇和小鼠衰老影响的初步研究 A Preliminary Study of Anti-senile Function of Descurainia Sophia on Drosophila and Mice
- 医保 medical insurance
- 播客 blog
- 医改 medical reform
- 蒿 wormwood
- 主播 main broadcaster
- 讳疾忌医 conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 狗娘养的 s.o.b.
- 热播 hot broadcast
- 医者 doctor
- 娘们 haybag
- 晚娘 stepmother
- 学医 study medicine
- 停播 shutdown
- 连播 chain broadcast
- 在以前的分类中,用于后来归入菊属现在归入菊蒿属的植物。 used in former classifications for plants later placed in genus Chrysanthemum and now often included in genus Tanacetum.