- 医保 medical insurance
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 与其说A不如说 not so much A as B
- 医改 medical reform
- 作为一个动词“milk”这词的意思是抽出或榨取最大的好处。 As a verb, the word "milk" means to draw out or extract the maximum benefit.
- astrocytoma gradeⅠ 星形细胞瘤Ⅰ级(原纤维性及原浆性星形细胞瘤)
- A股 A-share
- astrocytoma gradeⅡ 星形细胞瘤Ⅱ级(星形母细胞瘤)
- 30次动脉间端-端吻合,经Milk法证实,吻合口通畅为28次,欠通畅2次; Among the 30 end-to-end arterial anastomosis, 28 anastomosis were patent tested by Milks method, 2 anastomosis were narrowed or occluded.
- 讳疾忌医 conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- inertia grade (公路的) 惯性坡度
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- grade of load (起重机的) 负载等级
- 医者 doctor
- 维生素A vitamin(e)
- off-grade product (砖的) 等外品
- 今天这里有一些词汇要告诉大家,第一个词是"Cafe au lait",它是一个法语词,意思是"coffee with milk"(牛奶加咖啡)。 And so these are words that we need to teach you today. And first word we want to teach you is "cafe au lait". "Cafe au lait" is actually French. It means coffee with milk, cafe, 'au', with, lait milk.
- 学医 study medicine
- 把A视为 looked upon A as B
- grade bars (在玻璃纤维分条整经机上) 定幅筘