- Move westward from national capital Ottawa to Vancouver. 将从东部首都地区搬到温哥华。
- It is difficult to predict the track of typhoon moving westward and turning northward in the South China Sea. 南海台风西行北翘是小概率事件,预报具有一定的难度。
- I then demonstrated with the help of three matches my idea of Poland moving westward. 后来我用三根火柴打比,说明我对波兰向西发展的主张。
- From about1830 onwards in the USA and from about1870 in Canada, European settles began to move westward. 在美国大约从1830年;加拿大从1870年起;欧洲移民开始向西部迁移.
- From about 1830 onwards in the USA and from about 1870 in Canada, European settles began to move westward. 在美国大约从1830年;加拿大从1870年起;欧洲移民开始向西部迁移.
- This type of easterly wave generated over the East China Sea,moving westward along the Yangtze River,will cause heavy precipitation over a wide area. 这类东风波产生于我国东南沿海,向西向北移动发展,深入内陆直达长江中游,造成大范围地区一次较强的降水过程。
- Therefore, the sun, moon, planets and stars appear to move westward across the sky. 于是,太阳,月亮,行星及恒星穿过天空时向西运动。
- His real name, however, was John Chapman. He began to plant apple seeds in the state of Pennsylvania and sold them to families moving westward. 他的真实姓名叫做约翰·查普曼。他起初是在宾夕法尼亚州种苹果种子,并把种子卖给西迁的家庭。
- North America will move westwards. 北美洲将向西移动。
- In addition to the Mormons, pioneers moving westward sometimes settled in the area, and the Pony Express riders cut through hundreds of miles of what is now Nevada to deliver mail. 除了摩门教派外,向西部前进的拓荒者有时也会定居在这个地区,而快马邮递的骑士会行经现今的内华达州,抄近路递送邮件。
- North America will move westwards,and Asia will move eastwards. 北美洲向西方移动;亚洲会向东方移动.
- When the black topsoil was all washed away, farmers moved westward and started new plantations. 当表层黑土全部被冲走之后,农民们就向西部转移,建立新的种植园。
- In the middle of the ninth century, when the Uighur, who were believers in Manichaeism, moved westward to Xinjiang, they promoted the development of the religion in the region. 九世纪中叶,以摩尼教为国教的回鹘西迁新疆后,促进了摩尼教在新疆的发展。
- In the middle of the ninth century,when the Uighur,who were believers in Manichaeism,moved westward to Xinjiang,they promoted the development of the religion in the region. 九世纪中叶,以摩尼教为国教的回鹘西迁新疆后,促进了摩尼教在新疆的发展。
- Under pressure from the Rouzhi,they moved westward - some to the north bank of the Sir River,while others southward to scatter in the areas of the Pamirs. 因被月氏排挤而西迁,一部分退至锡尔河北岸,另一些南下帕米尔,散居各地。
- From about 1830 onwards in the USA,European settlers began to move westwards. 美国自1830年起,加拿大从1870年左右起,殖民者开始向西迁移。
- After the Japanese Resistance War broke out, the Nationalist government moved westward to Chongqing in 1937, and coastal industrial enterprises also successively moved inward. 抗日战争爆发后,国民党政府于一九三七年西迁重庆,沿海工业也纷纷内迁。
- Under pressure from the Rouzhi, they moved westward - some to the north bank of the Sir River, while others southward to scatter in the areas of the Pamirs. 因被月氏排挤而西迁,一部分退至锡尔河北岸,另一些南下帕米尔,散居各地。
- As super typhoon MELOR intensifies and moves westward, there is a chance of interaction between the two cyclones and should further inhibit PARMA's poleward movement. 由于超级台风茉莉增强且继续向西靠近,它们间仍有机会出现藤原效应,这将会进一步抑制芭玛之偏北路径。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。